Lesions of dapsone pills and mucous membranes can be divided into three groups.

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Gardner's syndrome is hereditaryth symptom complex, including epidermoid cysts, fibromas, osteomas in combination with rectal polyposis.

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Epidermoid cysts on the skin of the face, scalp, limbs, less often the chest. Osteomas develop mainly in the jaw and sphenoid bones. Polyposis of the colon and rectum, but often polyps are found in the small intestine and stomach. Polyps in the large intestine tend to buy Avlosulfon pills. Diagnosis is based on clinical data and special methods of examination of the digestive tract. Treatment. Surgical removal of polyps. Associated malignancy. cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as bones and endocrine glands. Cowden's syndrome is a rare hereditary symptom complex. It is characterized by multiple hamartomas of ecto- and mesodermal origin in combination with a predisposition to malignant tumors, especially of the mammary and thyroid glands. The syndrome is named after the name of the family in which such patients were first noted.

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A constant symptom of dapsone pills, varying only in its intensity, are mucocutaneous warty-papillomatous lesions. Initially, multiple, skin-colored lichenoid papules (up to 4 mm in diameter) appear on the eyelids, around the eyes, and around the mouth. In the future, they merge and form surfaces in these areas that resemble a cobblestone pavement. The process can capture the lips, mucous membrane of the cheeks, pharynx, larynx. On the palms, soles with the transition to the fingers - small translucent keratotic layers. Angiomas, lipomas, melanoma are also possible.


Skin changes are usually associated with fibrocystic or fibroadenoma of the mammary glands in women with a tendency to buy dapsone online (30% of cases) and goiter, adenoma or cancer of the thyroid gland. Other anomalies are less common (Gothic palate, skin dyschromia, skeletal disorders, digestive tract polyposis, gynecological pathology, primary T-cell immunodeficiency). Diagnosis is based on clinical and histological findings. Surgical removal of neoplasms, dispensary observation with periodic mammography and monitoring of the thyroid gland. Current and forecast. New tumors can occur throughout life. Associated malignancy. adenocarcinoma of the breast.

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The main symptom of this hereditary syndrome is small multiple pigment spots (lentigo) on the lips and mucous membranes of the mouth. Polyposis of the stomach, small and large intestines. Polyps are hamartomas found in most patients. type of inheritance. autosomal dominant. Men and women get sick equally often.

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Patients are predisposed to cancer of the breast, ovaries and pancreas.

Lentigo occurs already at birth or appears in infancy and early childhood.

On the skin of the lips, mucous cheeks, face, around natural openings, palms, soles, spots appear, round and oval in shape, 2-5 mm in size, dark brown or black.

Spots on the lips may disappear over time, but the pigmentation of the mucous membrane persists for life. There are polyps of the small intestine, less often - the large intestine. Intussusception and intestinal obstruction are possible.